Funny Meme About Trump Not Tracking Down White Supremacists

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Trump doubling down with White Supremacists

  • Thread starter Raz'r
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  • #2
Of course - he then "deleted" - but of course he's sent his message to the White Supremacists "I'm in your camp"
  • Banned
  • #3
Link? Cite? Background? Something? Anything?

Or are you just harboring your inner bL and Hard on Drugs?

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  • #5
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  • #6
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  • #7
Oh, I see the six points...... curious. The star of David has six points so clearly a racist undertone.............
  • #8
Oh, I see the six points...... curious. The star of David has six points so clearly a racist undertone.............
  • #9
So now a star used as a bullet point outline is racist. You learn something new everyday.
tuk tuk Joe
  • #10
Ha! A six-sided star is proof he hates Jews!

Stupid uneducated cunts, his daughter, and grandchildren are Jewish!

Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism before marrying Kushner. The couple have three children: daughter Arabella Rose Kushner (born July 2011) and sons Joseph Frederick Kushner (born October 2014) and Theodore James Kushner (born March 2016).

How's that for reality? :ph34r:

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  • #11
From Raz'r's link -

Mic discovered Sunday that Donald Trump's Twitter account wasn't the first place the meme appeared. The image was previously featured on /pol/ an Internet message board for the alt-right, a digital movement of neo-Nazis, anti-Semites and white supremacists newly emboldened by the success of Trump's rhetoric as early as June 22, over a week before Trump's team tweeted it.

Juan de Fuca
  • #12
You just have to ask then why did he change it?
  • #13
Whew. Classy guy.

The Donald's gun dogma and belief system seem very close to those of NGS et al.

Curiously, Trump's casinos and hotels are gun free zones: his policy expressly refuses CCP types, too.

Speaking of NGS et all, I have recently been requesting that Pooplius weigh in on Mr. Larry Pratt, the iconic libertarian, and the founder of the modern gun rights movement.

He was the chicken, he laid the SAF egg, one might say.

Mr. Pratt has spoken at militia rallies for thirty years, with fringe speeches is white supremacist settings. YCMTSU

Also in 1995, Pratt edited a book of essays entitled Safeguarding Liberty: The Constitution & Militias, with the theme of constitutional guarantees for the formation of non-governmental militia groups. The next year, it emerged that Pratt was a contributing editor to a periodical of the anti-Semitic United Sovereigns of America, and that GOA had donated money to a white supremacist attorneys' group.>

Tom is in a hard spot here. I have pressed him about this man, crickets already.

Tom is damned if he supports Pratt, and damned if he doesn't.

If he disses Pratt, might Pooplius be an Alan Gura fan?

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  • #14
Of course - he then "deleted" - but of course he's sent his message to the White Supremacists "I'm in your camp"
Cankles IS the most corrupt candidate in history.
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Oh, I see the six points...... curious. The star of David has six points so clearly a racist undertone.............
He's talking to white supremacists. Not you.

If it was no biggie, why did he delete it?

  • Banned
  • #16
Oh, I see the six points...... curious. The star of David has six points so clearly a racist undertone.............
Cute little cartoon. No relevance, but cute. Just as the six pointed star has no relevance but you folks are making something out of nothing.
And I did quickly read the links and saw the bit that it was previously posted on another website that is purported to be of dubious background. I guess Trump himself surfs white supremist websites looking for content. Hey, it could be, right? Or it got reposted a couple of times on different websites and someone from the Trump campaign came across it, didn't trace it back to its origins and thought, "Hey I bet Donald would appreciate this one."

And then, God forbid, you wingnuts get your teeth into it. Make a mountain out of a molehill, draw on the vast rightwing conspiracy meme and Team Trump decides the message is worthy but lets drop this star for a circle and end this nonsense.

Now try speaking to the point of it all. Is Hiliary the most corrupt politician of all time or not? Careful now. You know better.

You folks really are pathetic and the really curious part is you don't even realize. You will go into that booth and you will vote for Hiliary and think you are out to change the world. Funny shit.

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Juan de Fuca
  • #17
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  • Banned
  • #18
Got that part... and where else did it get posted?

Question there bL, do you seriously think Trump, or even any of his people, surf neo-Nazi websites looking for content?

Or is it more likely it came from somewhere else it had been reposted that didn't raise any red flags?

Hmmm? Think real carefully about that for a minute.

I got no love for Trump but you folks are being suckered into going on the attack over a manufactured hit to distract from Hiliary's own troubles with the FBI, DOJ, SEC, DOS on and on and on.

Juan de Fuca
  • #19
According to the article, the Trump scampaign used the very same neo nazi website to pick up a meme in November:

"In November, Trump retweeted a meme perpetuating the racist lie that black people committed more violent crimes against white people than any other race. That image was found to have originated from an alt-right internet account as well."

So to answer your question, yes, the Trump scampaign does go to neo nazi websites to look for content like that.

Maybe you should think real carefully about that for a minute.

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  • #20
It's all good, he has an R behind his name.
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