Please Login With Administrator Privileges and Try Again Halo Ce

Author Topic: Okay so, I merely got the Windows 10 upgrade yesterday... (13 letters, Page i of 1) Moderators: Dennis
Joined: Jul 31, 2015

Posted: Jul 31, 2015 12:32 AM Msg. ane of 13

I got Halo Custom Edition, put in my Halo PC key and everything. Heres the thing. When I press play on Halo Custom Edition.
It says I need administrator privileges...
I'm on an ambassador business relationship and then I right clicked the Halo Custom Edition application and pressed "Run as Ambassador", nothing showed upward. Information technology looked like it was gonna work but null showed up at all and I reinstalled the game many time. I also restarted the computer and the aforementioned thing is happening.

Delight assist.

And if y'all didn't encounter, once more i'm currently running a W10.

Thanks :D

- Jezli

Joined: Sep xi, 2010


Posted: Jul 31, 2015 12:35 AM Msg. 2 of thirteen

Y'all could effort to disable UAC. Simply blazon UAC into Cortana or just start typing in the start bill of fare

Click User Account Control and then go to disable (elevate the bar to the bottom) and save. If it however wont play, effort a reinstall once more with UAC off.

Joined: Jul 31, 2015

Posted: Jul 31, 2015 02:42 AM Msg. three of 13

Quote: --- Original bulletin by: MatthewDratt
You could try to disable UAC. Just blazon UAC into Cortana or just outset typing in the first card

Click User Business relationship Command and and so go to disable (drag the bar to the lesser) and save. If it withal wont play, try a reinstall again with UAC off.

Thanks, i'll attempt that :]

Super Flanker
Joined: Oct 5, 2012

The length of your life depends on my aim.

Posted: Jul 31, 2015 04:01 AM Msg. four of xiii

Cortana is sh�te.

Siri is atrocious.

Ok google is keewl.

Joined: Jul 31, 2015

Posted: Jul 31, 2015 12:51 PM Msg. 5 of 13

@SS Flanker Ikr?

And I tried that and it withal won't work. I need more suggestions.

Joined: Apr 11, 2013

Posted: Jul 31, 2015 01:52 PM Msg. half dozen of 13

Quote: --- Original message past: Jezli
@SS Flanker Ikr?

And I tried that and it still won't work. I need more suggestions.

Don't wait a brand new Bone to deport perfectly. Even if information technology did have a public beta, it'due south all the same very much in its infancy. I would say your main fault here was jumping on the new Bone bandwagon before it gets its start batch of major fixes.

Take yous tried compatibility modes?

Try disabling desktop limerick possibly...other than that yous may be SOL. Microsoft (rightfully) isn't looking for a ~15 year old game to work on their brand new Bone, it's just not on their priority radar in whatsoever manner.

Joined: Aug 21, 2010

Erstwhile biped rigger & FP animator

Posted: Aug ane, 2015 05:12 AM Msg. 7 of thirteen

Joined: Sep 11, 2010


Posted: Aug 1, 2015 11:26 AM Msg. 8 of thirteen

This list is one-half right one-half over dramatized.

I've never seen said "ad" and that well-nigh looks photoshopped in every bit it doesn't fit the tile layout. None the less that tin be disabled.

Another things are dumb similar "bs about deject" is like come on. I can sync my phone to my laptop to my computer. Oh boo hoo.

Turing off contacts, calendar, oral communication, and ect disables cortana. Oh no. It'south like thats because Cortana is the microsoft product that accesses that.

Wi-fi sense is dumb and I agree should exist removed.

Telemetry simply seems similar stuff that MS sends when your calculator crashes so they can help fix stuff. Similar what your system specs are, ect. Oh my god if you can't disable that.

And and so windows defender. Oh beloved god someone please set up that. There needs to be a way to keep it disabled.

Joined: Mar 29, 2009

subliminal bulletin.

Posted: Aug 1, 2015 02:47 PM Msg. 9 of 13

^ I hold with you that it'due south one-half blown out of proportion.

But I'm nevertheless worried about it accessing my history/bookmarks, reading my emails, and the freaking cardinal-logger.

Fears justified?

I think another part of the paranoia is that dissimilar Google and Facebook that already do most of the same things. those are individual services that can be turned off (or simply not used). A whole OS on the other paw is running constantly.

On Topic:

Are you lot running the latest version of CE? Are you running extraneous programs like Open Sauce or HAC2?

Edited by WWLinkMasterX on Aug i, 2015 at 02:49 PM

Joined: October 4, 2014

Ho ho hooooly doodle!

Posted: Aug 1, 2015 03:17 PM Msg. 10 of 13

Joined: Jun 25, 2015

Character animator.

Posted: Aug 1, 2015 03:42 PM Msg. eleven of xiii

Quote: --- Original bulletin by: WWLinkMasterX
the freaking fundamental-logger.

IFAIK that's part of Cortana. It does basically the aforementioned thing as next word prediction on Android.

Joined: Mar xix, 2015

Mihi Libertas Necesse Est

Posted: Aug ane, 2015 04:fourteen PM Msg. 12 of 13

Halo:CE worked perfectly when I was using preview, I'll have to try on my clean install but I'chiliad pretty the problem is one your side,...

Joined: Jul 28, 2007

fear the sniper

Posted: Aug 2, 2015 12:23 AM Msg. 13 of 13

I had this exact same issue! How I solved information technology was manually update the game to the latest patch. Practise not run the haloupdate.exe in the folder but download the transmission 1.x patch from here


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